The San Tiago Endeavour Ship

You would think having built eighteen different ship models since 2012 that I would have satisfied each possible design idea, but the opposite is true and I always find myself still reaching for that one last Endeavour.

Over the years they have all differed in one way or another, gradually getting bigger or slicker, and showcased different combinations of sail materials, rigging structures, hull shapes etc. , but I have always fancied trying to achieve a galleon that seemed shaped straight out of a fantasy film, and with that desire I keep starting to build another vessel.

Yet once again despite having the idea in my mind, the final execution was not exactly what I had hoped for and the shape of my dreams eluded me once more. That said, I have achieved a very satisfactory hull shape which is much deeper than any before and with both turrets top decks in a pleasing tilting form.

This time I have added cannon in their portholes in sets of pairs and played around with different fixtures, but the main thing I did was in deciding to elevate the model on a purpose-made platform to make it stand tall and accentuate its shape.

The model was completed over a two week time frame minus the addition of sails which I am still pondering about adding.

Ship number 19 still hasn’t hit the nail on the head in terms of what I really envision, but it is closer than before and that I guess is down to countless previous never-giving-up ship incarnations. But this one is sailing closer to the destination of my desired horizon.

The San Tiago Endeavour — Taking an evolving trip to hull and back!

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