Sentinel Steam Lorry (Rebuild)
Built by Richard Marsden in June 2020
This is the model I took to my first ever SELMEC meeting, in January 2011. Well, it is, and it isn’t. I took it to the exhibition that autumn then put it on top of a wardrobe and dusted it once in a while. It was one of my first attempts at a realistic model and I was quite pleased with it. It was however built with blue and gold parts with not much of either colour paint remaining. Rather than take it apart I decided to rebuild it. What was gold is now BMW Sapphire Grey, since I no longer have that car, Meccano silver for the chassis, and the blue parts I swapped for red, mostly un-repainted but in good condition. I have left only the hot and oily bits in their tatty blue. I suspect on the original they would not have stayed pristine for long.
Incidentally the Sapphire Grey aerosol was bought from a car paint specialist, cost more than H******s, but gave an excellent finish over a coat of white primer. It is not a bad match to the dull dark grey parts you find in the 2001 Special Edition Crane kit.