John Gay


0–6–0 American Steam Locomotive
6-Inch Howitzer Limber and Tractor
AEC Flatbed Lorry
Airfield Baggage Loader Conveyor Vehicle
Army Water Truck
Articulated Road Tanker
Automatic Ship Coaler
Bacon Slicer
BBC TV Camera and Wireless
Beam Engine
Bedford O.B. Coach
Blackboard and Easel
British Olympic Four Man Rowing Team
British Railways Horse Box
British Railways Scammell Scarab Mechanical Horse
Bugatti 35 Open Top Car
Canal Lock
Car Ferry
Car for A Meccano Octopus Ride
Car Transporter and MG Car
Chelsea Versus Norwich City Football Match
Child’s Tricycle
Cromer Crab
E/1 Class Tramcar
Fairground Traction Engine
Ferrari Racing Car
Foden Fun Fair Lorry
Gavioli Fairground Organ
Go Kart
Gun Boat
Half-Truck with Mobile Searchlight
High-Rise Tower Blocks, East London
Hindle Smart Electric Articulated Lorry and Trailer
Ice Cream Vendor and Van
Industrial Tractor
Isle of Mann TT Racing Motorcycle
John and Cathy’s Selfie at the Seaside
Knife Grinder
Land Rover Police Car
Leyland Fire Engine
Locomotive and Tender
Lohr FL500/FL501 Troop Transport
London Transport RF Type Motor Bus
London Underground Map Section
MG Saloon Car
MG Sports Car
Milk Float
Mobile Anti-Aircraft Gun
Motorcycle and Sidecar
Mountain Bike
Naval Quick-Firing Gun
Newton’s Disc
O Gauge Locomotive and Open Box Wagon
Open Top Sports Car
Packard Convertible Car
Park Bench with Tramp
Pawnbroker’s Shop Sign
Petrol Lawn Mower
Pirate Ship
Printing Machine
Printing Press
Racing Car
Racing Car
Racing Car
Racing Car Game
Racing Seaplane
Railway Yard Crane
Road Bridge
Road Sweeping Vehicle
Saloon Road Coach
Salvation Army Tambourine
Sand Transporter
Sewing Machine
Shunting Tractor
Single Deck Bus
Skip Lorry
Sliding Bed Car Recovery Truck
Square Plus One Puzzle
Steam Wagon
Stock Car
Streamlined Fire Engine
Streamlined Sports Car
Swing Bridge
Thames Tideway Tunnel Boring Machine
The Caledonian Cover Diorama
The Cum-Bak
The Festival of Britain Logo
The Invisible Man
Tower Bridge
USA Locomotive
Volvo Skip Lorry
Weather Vane
WWI Big Gun
“Ban the Bomb” Badge
“City of London” Locomotive
“Octopus” Fairground Ride
“The Bolt Hole” Public House